Profil Usaha AGUS W & PARTNERS Law Offices

Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok E No.10,
Jl. Pahlawan Seribu, BSD City, Tangerang 15322

Telp. (021) 53160815
Fax. (021) 53160816
Bisnis : Advokat & Konsultan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual

Area :
Bidang usaha :

Profil Usaha AGUS W & PARTNERS Law Offices - Alamat Usaha AGUS W & PARTNERS Law Offices - Nomor Telepon AGUS W & PARTNERS Law Offices - Profil Usaha Kecil dan Bisnis Kecil AGUS W & PARTNERS Law Offices

Profil Usaha Lainnya :

Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. C-32520145 - 5213295 Fax : 5213343 Bisnis : Telecomunication satelite and equipment
Jl. Mentri Supeno No. 42 (024)315006 - 413119 Fax : 413912 Bisnis : Electrical engineering; Building contractor; Handicraft
Jl. Pahlawan 120 (031)23085 - 23086 Fax : 23088 Bisnis : General engineering and contracting; Cement; Fertilizer; Welding wire; Agricultural and industrial product
Jl. Kertopaten 27/I (031)317099 - 311369 Fax : 318436 Bisnis : Fertilizer; Agricultural produce; Sea food; General contractor; warehouse; Transport agent, cargo service
Jl. Kedungdoro No. 66-68 (031)5322680 - 5322852 Fax : 5311960 Bisnis : Frozen shrimp; Cold storage
Jl. Sumatera No. 136 (031)5344126 - 5310204 Fax : 5312454 Bisnis : General trading, export-import, Civil engineering
Jl. Demak No. 166-170 (031)5311306 - 5321481 Fax : 5315566 Bisnis : Motor vehicle; car service station